Manon RUhrmann

Illustratrice – vidéaste

My creations

I like mixing techniques,
whether digital, with a graphics tablet
or manual, hand-drawing, painting and modelling.


Illustrations, Comic book projects, Concert sketches


Ruhrmann Edition mixes art and fun


Linocut workshops
Paper and textile printing


Creations adapted to surfaces. Fresco, Stained glass effect design


Editing, Animation,
Stop motion, Video dressing


Illustrating concepts and emotions

With the aim of creating a communication and visual identity, an emotional commitment, a reinforced narrative and universal accessibility.

Sharing your dreams
Can you eat love?


Stars in our eyes

Excerpt from the comic strip, part of a series of autobiographical explorations that mix discovery, humour and light-heartedness.

COMIC - Stars in our eyes



A group of children go on a butterfly-hunting expedition, with the exception of one who decides to free a butterfly. The butterfly that the child frees from the jar lands on his face and offers his vision for a moment. He then perceives what the butterfly sees, a new colourful universe. After sharing his experience with the other children, they decide to release all the butterflies and enjoy them in their natural environment, together and free.

This silent comic strip is an encouragement to value life and illustrates the power of empathy.


Guy’s drift

Comic selected for the Young Talents competition at the Angoulême International Festival 2022, published in Kiblind magazine.
Co-authors Jade Charlet & Mathilde Groothaerdt

It has long been rumoured that a zany collector roams the streets. It’s a real love letter to Angoulême on every scale.



Crew of sketchers, perched high up between the spotlights or in the pit with the audience, with our pencils to capture the emotion of the concert.
And here are my sketches of live concerts at the NEF in Angoulême 2021-2023.

18/05/2022 à la NEF - John Butler
21/11/2021 à la NEF - Black Sea Dahu
27/01/2023 à la NEF - Izïa
04/03/2022 à la NEF - Chilla


Our new card game is for anyone who loves games of bluff, suspense and strategy!



Wooden and resin game, designed and made by hand. Nanuq is wreaking havoc on the ice floe. The seals must unite as quickly as possible to survive!


Linocut workshops
Paper and textile printing

Organisation of a linocut workshop – personalised engravings and prints on textiles for events – “Festival Bisou”, “30ans de la NEF”, “10ans de la Cyclofficine et Fanfare Ouest”, “Nous descendons d’Olympe” – thank you for your trust!

Customised design for the Bisou festival at the NEF in Angoulême
Customised design for the Bisou festival at the NEF in Angoulême
Customised design for the 10th anniversary of Cycloffiscine & Fanfare Ouest
Customised design for the "Nous descendons d'Olympe" event in Angoulême


Fresk Boutique Boom

A shop promoting local art next to a concert hall. The concept behind the fresco? To showcase female musicians playing lesser-used instruments, theremins and electro music. We played with the reality of the setting – a door that opens in the middle amplifies the suspended effect of the central character – the switches are integrated into a 9-key pad – 3 characters leaning against real ledges.

Personalised fresco for 2022-2023, co-created with artist Jade Charlet


Made-to-measure designs

Stained glass effect

But what is it? On the theme of the Bisou Festival, electro music: two characters embrace to music, bodies and instruments mix, following the codes of stained glass art.
Materials: Vinyl, paint, glue

Dessin du concept - Festival Bisou - musique éléctro à la NEF




Estamos en contacto


Adan y Eva

Video animation

Interviews – for 2 formats

Video cutting